Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daunting Tasks

Looking at my planner is a daunting task on it's own.
It could be my fault: sometimes I'm a drone.
I try my best to stay on top of things,
But as each day comes, more tasks it brings.

I have two things for that class and another for this,
I sometiems feel as though I'm falling into an abyss.
I'll get this task accomplished and another will appear.
When I finish that, I'll be given another, I fear.

It's not bad when tasks come just from class.
But, they seem to come from my life en masse.
It feels great to get them all done.
It's fantastic free time to have some fun!

Found Poem from "Man V. Food (Carnivore Challenge)"

Big Pie in the Sky Pizza Carnivore Challenge: Everything sounds good.
"They're halfway through!"
My partner's plate looks a little more menacing: man up!
"I'm wasted on pizza.  Looking a little rough."
"Power through!" Just outside; win the challenge!
The competition is over.  Two warriors entered.
The pizza has exited Drew.  He left some behind on the building.
All I have left: assorted scraps.
Big Pie in the Sky Pizza Carnivore Challenge:
Attempted by many, finished  by none.
I'll never eat pizza again for a long, long time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Response to Journal Reading

Teachers can only do for students what they have experienced themselves.
They know how to ask students to put crayons away on shelves.
But that’s only one of the “important” things.
What’s really important is tying concepts together, as if with strings.

In teaching English, communication is key.
But how everyone interprets that communication matters more, you see.
Students want to occasionally see you in a different light. 
They want to see you be artsy, not just read and write.

Not just your students, but you too must be multimodal.
They would love it so much if you would read your writing as a yodel.
Or, try making writing an artistic endeavor.
Your students will love it, and may think it clever. 

So, do your best to collaborate with other teachers.
Share your knowledge and learn some of their features.
Learn to integrate writing with the fine arts.
Do this, and you may reach a few students’ hearts.

Poem written after reading:
English Education: Volume 40, No. 1, Oct., 2007
The Editorial We: Themed Issue on the Arts, New Literacies, and Multimodality
Jerome C. Harste and Peggy Albers

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How it feels...

When someone responds to my posts, I feel like they are something worth reading.  The responses also make it seem like I am capable of creating interest through my writing, which feels good.  I can imagine that if there was something I felt really passionate about and wrote about it, it would feel great to get a response.  It is basically the same idea as getting recognition for completing a major task, helping someone else out, etc.  Sometimes it's perfectly fine to just know yourself that you did something good and worthwhile, but it does also feel nice to be recognized at times.  

The same is true for me with the responses.  In no way do I think that my writing isn't good simply because I didn't receive a response, but responses do make me feel as though others recognize the good in my writing.

What I Changed

After looking at others' blogs, I decided to change the colors of the links and text in my blog.  I think that having the different colors helps the eye move throughout the blog rather than just getting stuck.  I did see many interesting text features of other blogs that I liked, but because I really like my blog's background image, I decided to keep the text in my blog simple, yet colorful enough to be able to determine the differences between and the purposes of the texts. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MovieBox Video

Aim to see your life for what it is
Not solely for what it can become.
For when you look at the beauty around you,
you can truly appreciate where you come from

While others keep searching, you know for sure,
That your thirst for life's nows form deep in your core
The love others give you becomes so much deeper
For they can see you're not always searching for more

Being happy with where you are now
Gives you a power none can steal
And with this power comes a joy
That makes life's treasures seem that much more real.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Imitation Poem

If I Were In Charge of the World

If I were in charge of the world
I’d cancel lies,
Working in suits and ties.
I’d cancel hate
And lines that cause us to wait.

If I were in charge of the world
Every child would have a dad,
And food would never go bad.
Every life would have true love,
And war our world would be free of.

If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn’t have hunger
Old people would feel younger.
You wouldn’t look at weight
And no one would ever show up late.

If I were in charge of the world
Dessert would come after every meal
That would just be part of the deal.
Smiles would be on every face
So people would all brush their teeth, just in case.
And someone who doesn’t always clean her plate
And sometimes wakes up late,
Would still be allowed to be in charge of the world.

Derived Poetry

Winter Stupor

I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone.
Before it even started, I wanted it to be done.
Picture everything completely white.
I’ve never seen anything so bright.

It looks beautiful when diamonds fall from the sky,
But unless you’re indoors, that beauty cuts into you like knives.
Walking through it, you feel weighed down with bricks.
Weather reporters call it a “wintery mix.”

Your nose will either be stopped-up or leaky.
It’s guaranteed, and it’s kind of freaky.
The cold also does something to your fingers.
It instantly chills, and the bitterness lingers.

There’s a strange beauty behind the winter season.
But I would prefer if the temperatures stayed within reason.
Being this cold puts me in a stupor.
It definitely makes me look forward to the future.

Found Poem

Time Unending, Unending Thrill

Time unending, as if for me.
Something that cannot be.
Something dreamed for, but never achieved.
But in reality, I have seen.
All that time, the force behind it.
I was lost in the quiet.
Where it took me, I just followed.
Caused my breath to stop and hold.

Time is still a wonder for me.
I look forward to everything.
Time gave me a life I have come to love.
Unending thrill, and it is just the start of…